Lane closure final link in airport expansion

WITH the expansion of Port Macquarie Airport nearing completion, Port Macquarie-Hastings Council has closed of a section of Tuffins Lane.
The closure to a section of the road immediately north of the runway and expanded aircraft parking apron is required in order to comply with aviation safety and security standards as determined by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority and Australian Government Office of Transport Security.
Craig Swift McNair, council’s director of commercial services and industry development, said the permanent road closure was raised in the original Port Macquarie Airport Master Plan adopted by the council in 2003 and most recently June 2010.
“The closure of Tuffins Lane to the north of the runway has been identified for many years as a requirement of the airport expansion project,” Mr Swift McNair said.
“A formal application to permanently close the road was made to the State Government in October 2010 and updated in July 2011.”
Throughout the construction of the airport expansion council has worked closely with nearby residents and businesses to ensure they were informed of the works and imminent road closure.
Public notices have advised of the closure and correspondence taken place directly with sporting clubs who regularly use the road.
“The closure of the section of road closest to the airport runway won’t have a physical impact on the Tuffins Lane sports fields, but obviously, the management of traffic and parking issues during major events will require detailed consideration as part of the event planning process,” Mr Swift McNair said.
“Vehicle and bus turning areas will be constructed at each end of the closed section of Tuffins Lane and the installation of traffic lights at Boundary Street, proposed for this current financial year, will also ease traffic concerns in this area.”
Details regarding the airport expansion project and Tuffins Lane closure are available at

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