School zone road blitz

A campaign to increase awareness of road safety issues in school zones has been launched, as thousands of local students return to the classroom for another year. Local Police will be targeting drivers failing to adhere to 40km speed zones around schools during pick-up and drop-off hours, as staff and students head back to school.  School zones operate between 8am-9:30am and 2:30pm-4pm on gazetted school days.The safety boost is a combined initiative between Port Macquarie-Hastings Council, Roads and Maritime Services and local Police.Council Road Safety Officer Nick Gainsford said the safety blitz coincided with the start of the school year in an effort to inform, educate and remind motorists of the importance to obey the rules around schools.  “Many children are starting kindergarten or getting used to the routine of being back at school and we want to ensure drivers obey the road rules in these vicinities,” Mr Gainsford said. The campaign will also target parents and carers who fail to comply with regulatory signage around schools. These signs include No Stopping, No Parking and Bus Zones.   “Parking and dropping off children in restricted areas is illegal and places children at unnecessary risk as parked vehicles obscure the view of both children and other road users including buses,” Mr Gainsford said.Council Rangers issued 374 parking fines in school zones during 2011 in the Hastings region.  Penalties for exceeding 40km speed limits can result in hefty fines and a loss of demerit points.  “Parents and carers should also act as good role models and take extra care when travelling around schools.”For further information regarding road safety rules in school areas visit Roads and Maritime Services website:

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