Caring ladies

Recently during National Carers Week, two local women were awarded a New South Wales Carers Award during a ceremony held at Kent House.
Mayor Peter Ducat and   Isabelle Devos, of Carer Assist, presented the award to Deborah Turner and Denise Towns. Deborah and Denise started the group over 12 years ago, giving other carers a friendly place to get support and encouragement.
The group they founded is specifically for family, friends and carers who are close to someone with a mental illness. Both women are also very active in advocating for better services and support for people with mental illness in our local community. Deborah and Denise are also facilitators for mental health education for families and carers in the Armidale area.
Mrs Thelma Murray gave the keynote address, the NEGS Girls’ Choir sang a capella to provide the entertainment and local Disabilities Officer, Stephanie Watts, was Master of Ceremonies for the event.
Local service providers had information and gave short talks about the services available to all carers and families who helped to support a loved one.

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