Deadly turn

A Port Macquarie couple, who wish to remain unidentified, use the new roundabout at Port Macquarie Base Hospital on the Oxley Highway many times a day.
To them, it’s an accident waiting to happen.
They said they have seen countless close calls as motorists negotiate a change in the road system and they want something done about it, before someone is killed or seriously injured.
“Since the opening of the new road, it is a common sight to see vehicles turning right to Wauchope from the left lane, which has road markings with arrows left to the hospital/straight ahead towards Coles,” the wife said.
“This morning my husband encountered a taxi on his first trip and a delivery van on the return.
“Both illegally turned across the right hand lane, which can turn right or go straight ahead.
“There is a bad accident in the making, I am afraid.
“We have given this some thought, with warnings to our family, who travel straight ahead to stay in the left lane.
“It would make it so much easier, if the RMS (Roads and Maritime Services) followed suit and designated the left lane “left/straight ahead’ and the right lane “right turn only”.
“There should also be signage to indicate lane designations.
“If you spend a few minutes there, you will see the problem.”
“We hope that by publicising the issues surrounding the roundabout that it may save someone from being hurt, if not killed.”
The husband said from day one he knew that this situation was dangerous and avoided the middle lane so “as to avoid getting cleaned up”.
“My daughter has witnessed at least three near misses,” he said.
“We feel that the left lane should be designated as a left turn/straight ahead lane and that the right lane be solely dedicated to those travelling right onto the Oxley Highway upgrade.
“We also feel a good solution may be to paint large arrows on the road at least 200m/300m before the roundabout.
“The current arrows are too close to the roundabout and in heavy traffic either aren’t seen at all or make it too late to correct the lanes safely.
“I initially sought advice from the Port Macquarie police and it was suggested that I write to the RMS and council.
“I wrote to the RMS and they immediately installed the mobile billboard. I was relieved that they had acted so quickly however am disappointed and still very much concerned that motorists are still continuing to turn right into the new Oxley Highway across the path of those going straight ahead.”
An RMS spokesperson said RMS has received feedback about motorists’ behaviour at the eastern end of the Wrights Road roundabout and has been monitoring its operation since the Oxley Highway upgrade opened last month.
“Monitoring has shown some motorists are using the wrong lanes to exit the roundabout,” she said.
“Motorists are reminded it is illegal to turn right from the left lane of a roundabout unless specifically marked otherwise.
“When approaching the roundabout from Port Macquarie, vehicles in the left lane must exit at either Wrights Road or John Oxley Drive.
“Motorists wishing to use the Oxley Highway must use the right lane only.
“RMS has reviewed the linemarking and signs at the roundabout and will install some additional signs and make linemarking improvements to help motorists navigate the roundabout correctly.
“There will also be temporary electronic message signs in place to give further directional information until motorists become familiar with the new roundabout.
“RMS will continue to monitor the roundabout to ensure it is being used safely and effectively.”

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