Help Sam catch next wave of his dream

Local bodyboarder Sam Bennett is making waves on the international pro circuit.
Most recently the 21-year-old took out fourth place in the International Bodyboarding Association (IBA) Pipeline Challenge in Hawaii, ranking him fourth in the world.
But he needs our help to catch the next wave of his dream career.
Local bodyboarding guru Sam Bennett has hit the big time, now ranked fourth in the world in his chosen sport at the mere age of 21.
He’s riding high on the wave of success, after a top performance at the International Bodyboarding Association’s pro event in Hawaii recently.
But to keep Sam’s skyrocketing career afloat he needs support in any way he can get.
His biggest fan, support base and backer, mum Margo Bennett, said Sam was hoping to clinch sponsorship deals to keep his dream alive from local businesses and further afield.
She said he needs help in any way he can, whether it’s the donation of vitamins and minerals, the use of a vehicle to travel to events in Australia or event meals, just to name a few. Financial assistance is also on the cards.
Margo said she has seen Sam go so far in his sport and hopes to help him go even further.
She said he entered his first pro tournament at the age of 15 and the only way has been up since then.
He has taken out the David Gosby trophy five years in a row, was state champ in 2006 and 2010 and ranked national champion in 2009. And that’s just the tip of the iceberg, Margo said.
To keep his dream alive on the international circuit, however, Sam needs some solid backing, she said.
“It’s not just about financial support now he’s on the world pro tour, it’s about emotional support, physical support – and the pressure is huge,” Margo said.
Margo said she’d also like to thank local residents Rod and Marilyn Ayres who have been the backbone in Sam’s success.
She said they had been a huge support and positive influence in his life.
Sam’s next ride is The Box comp in WA on March 26.
“Let’s get him there,” she said.
If you can help in any way contact Margo Bennett on
0432 420 817.

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