Help $10,000 vision come true

Blind cyclist Lorin Nicholson has thanked residents for supporting him on his Blind Courage ride, helping him raise money for Vision Australia.
Lorin, a classical guitarist and motivational speaker, rode 1800km from Brisbane to Melbourne to raise funds that will go towards supporting children who are blind or have low vision and their families.
On December 8, Lorin and his crew were hosted by The Westport Club who helped them raise $1000 of the total.
The Club was just one of 25 registered clubs that supported Lorin on the trip, providing free meals and accommodation for him and his group of 11.
Lorin celebrated the end of the monumental ride by swapping his bike for his classical guitar and performing at Vision Australia’s Carols by Candlelight on Christmas Eve.
Forty two year old Lorin has been blind since he was 4.
He is one of six siblings, three who are blind. He has been an athlete, children’s author and one of Australia’s leading youth motivational speakers on anti-bullying as well as being nominated for Australian of the Year in 2009.
Clubs Australia and cycling clothing specialist Cannibal sponsored Lorin as he raised funds for Vision Australia as part of their annual Christmas fundraising campaign.
Lorin thanked The Westport Club and the Port Macquarie community for their support and helping him raise awareness of the large number of Australians who are vision impaired.
“’My heart and thanks goes out to The Westport Club and the great people of Port Macquarie who supported me and my crew on the Blind Courage ride,’’ he said.
“It was an epic journey in the cold, rain, wind and heat, but one that I will always cherish. Arriving in to Melbourne with my son Andrew as co-pilot was fantastic. And, to follow that up with a performance on the Vision Australia’s Carols by Candlelight stage, was just magical – what a feeling!”
“’Sadly, we are just short of our $10,000 target.
“But, if you would like to make extra donations the site will be open until the end of January. Small amounts like $5 or $10 can make a big difference.’’
To sponsor Lorin as he raises money for Vision Australia, go or or Facebook: “BlindCourage’

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