Naylor nails top job at Inner Wheel

Kathy Naylor has taken over as president of Inner Wheel Club of Port Macquarie West, which was formalised at a changeover held at Pier One Panthers last Thursday.
Members and guests attended to see President Helen Crossley (2011-2012) chair her last meeting of the year and hand over the President’s Collar to Kathy Naylor who is President for the year 2012-2013.
Pier One was adorned with decorations made by club member Judy Jhonson, depicting a black and white theme and members were also dressed in the theme.
One of the highlights of the evening was the induction of three new Inner Wheel Members, Sally Scully, Mary Kent and Lee Harlow.
The Inner Wheel Club has inducted six new members throughout the year.
Guests were entertained by Amanda Gordon.
The Inner Wheel Club of Port Macquarie West made significant donations to many organisations. These included ROMAC — District International project, Cord Blood Research, Westpac Helicopter Service, Autism School, Port by Night Tour, Polio Plus, Australian Rotary Health Hat Day for Mental Health, Biggest Morning Tea, Motor Neurone Disease Research, Riding for the Disabled, Koala Hospital, Women’s Refuge, Mid North Coast Special Olympics, Camp Quality, Life Education and an Extreme Dance Studios Scholarship.
In addition to these donations, a considerable number of baby packs and other items were made by the Craft Group in the Club, for premature babies, babies of difficult deliveries and babies born with abnormalities.
Equipment for the Children’s Ward and Mums and Bubs group has also been donated.

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