Students celebrate love of school, life

A standing ovation and final bow saw the Port Macquarie High School’s Year 12 officially sign off at the final graduation assembly recently.
A number of students were presented with academic, citizenship, cultural and sporting awards; and the audience was most appreciative of the efforts and talents required to attain such levels of achievement.
Major award winners were Verona Neibling who was named as the Outstanding Student, Vincent Pring won the Long Tan Award, Todd Bourke won the All Rounder Award, Laura Caines-Zaicew the Rob Oakeshott Endeavour Award, while Adam Thompson won the Learn to Live Award.
Heartfelt speeches delivered by the Captains Karlyn Wehlow, Peter Gray-Thompson, Abbey-Rose Norman and Ajoy Cena echoed the sentiments of Year 12 in thanking family, teaching staff and Year Adviser Mr Campbell for their support, love and friendship.
In reply Mr Campbell stated he felt his connection was a two-way
relationship, where he benefitted as much as the students.
He praised Year 12 for their commitment to the school, their cohesion as a year group, their achievements and most of all, their “joie de vivre” or love of life.
Principal, Mr Longstaff, thanked the outgoing captains and vice captains for their leadership and for the good example they set for younger students.
He also congratulated the incoming captains for 2012 and the efforts of Mr Campbell.

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