Airport upgrade takes flight

A $25 million upgrade to Port Macquarie airport set to turbo-charge the region’s economy, has been welcomed by our local MP and Council.
Independent MP for Lyne Rob Oakeshott joined Port Macquarie-Hastings General Manager Tony Hayward in formally announcing funding approval for the project at the Airport last week, which includes a $15 million contribution from the Federal Government and a $10 million input from Council.
The funding boost, provided by the Community Infrastructure Grants program, will be administered through the Department of Regional Australia, Regional Development and Local Government.
The project at Port Macquarie involved extending the runway length to 1800 metres and strengthening the pavement to cater for interstate jets, including B737/800 and A320 series aircraft.
“A great deal of work has gone into our Mid-North Coast aviation plan and today’s announcement of Commonwealth funding approval for the Port Macquarie component is a great reward for all those who have played a part,”Mr Oakeshott said.
“By increasing the capacity of the airport, we are making a long-term investment in the region’s economy through the strengthening of our tourism, hospitality and retail sectors.
“We can also look forward to a short-term economic surge from the jobs that will be created during the construction phase.
“The timing couldn’t be better for our small business community. Less than four months ago we welcomed the addition of daily Port Macquarie-to-Brisbane flights and demand is already exceeding expectations.
“This is a significant step in our regional aviation plan, which includes another $4 million to develop both Kempsey and Taree airports into key centres for aviation training, aircraft maintenance and other general aviation activities,” Mr Oakeshott said.
Tony Hayward, General Manager Port Macquarie-Hastings Council said the next steps include obtaining Development Approval for the project, and regulatory approval from the aviation safety regulator CASA.
Subject to obtaining the necessary approvals for the project, Council is aiming to commence the upgrade works later this year.
The proposed works are part of an overall $25 million investment in Port Macquarie Airport which aims to include upgrades to the terminal building and car parking facilities to cater for forecast growth in passenger numbers.
“The upgrade is an important step in the ongoing development of Port Macquarie-Hastings and wider Mid North Coast region,” Mr Hayward said.
“The project underpins the region’s economic development and tourism potential,” said Mr Hayward.

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