CWA’s international focus

PRESIDENT Margaret Townsend opened the July meeting of Port Macquarie CWA, welcoming two new members to the branch, Margaret Lee Hughes and Jeanette McGregor-Burgess and also welcoming our two junior members, Mackenzie and Steffani Adams and their mother Rosie.
Margaret was sad to advise that member Rena Mackenzie had passed away earlier this month.
The president thanked Alice Miller for the great success she made as International Officer. So much trouble was taken ensuring it was full of interesting information, including a Moroccan meal for lunch with other members working very hard in the kitchen preparing and clearing up after a lovely meal. Alice was stepping down from the position of International Officer after three successful years and Margaret asked all members to consider whether they would be prepared to stand as International Officer in 2014.
Margaret reminded members that our hall bookings were increasing and she would appreciate a member taking over the task which she presently did. It needs someone who is prepared to help with phone bookings and be responsible for the hall opening and closing.
Cultural Officer Maddalena Piola congratulated Alice Miller for all her work on International Day which was both interesting and enjoyable. Unfortunately the proposed bus trip for 17 July is in doubt since not enough members
are able to take part. More names needed urgently.
Maddalena then presented our two junior members, Mackenzie and Steffani Adams, with certificates for the two beautiful posters they had made for the International Day which were prominently displayed in our hall.
International Officer, Alice Miller thanked everyone who helped make International Day such a success, including those who worked hard in the kitchen and the Cultural Group who gave such splendid entertainment. A large sum of money is being sent to the ACCW for a scholarship.
The Handicraft Officer, Marilyn Brown encouraged members to think about entering for the craft competition next February – a schedule can be found in the April Journal – and thanked members for donations to the Trading table.
Remember the Craft Group meet on the first and third Wednesdays of the month.
The Ag/Environment Officer, Jill Adams reminded everyone about Ag/Environment Day, 31 July at 1.30pm. Please ladies come along for a social function and please bring a plate for afternoon tea.
In Jill’s absence Margaret gave us details about seagrass, its habitat and growth.
The meeting closed at 3pm.

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