Army of support

For many of us Anzac Day on Wednesday, April 25, represents a time of remembrance; a day to commemorate the roles that so many played to ensure that we can live the lives and have the freedom we currently enjoy.
With each year that passes our heroes become more frail and reliant on the generosity of groups that would do anything to show their deep felt appreciation for those that sacrificed everything for us.
This year, as services are held across the region, there is a group of foot soldiers behind the scenes that ensure everything runs smoothly.
Wayne Carson from Port’s State Emergency Service (SES) said that the organisation had been involved in “one way or another” ever since he could remember.
“It’s a small tribute each year and for me it’s about remembering my father who was in World War II,” he said.
“It’s important to remember their fight for our freedom.
“The SES is about putting back into the community and this is just one small way.”
Andy Beverley from the NSW Ambulance Service said that the Ambo’s play a supportive role for the diggers.
“We all appreciate the efforts of the diggers and this is a great reminder of just how fortunate the rest of us are because of them,” he said.
“We monitor, from a distance, how they are travelling should it be a hot day or if anyone finds themselves in distress.”
Dave Keeley from Port Taxi’s organises transport for diggers free of charge each year.
“We pick up the diggers from their homes and follow the procession to Town Green,” he said.
“Following the ceremony we transport them either back home or across to Panthers. It’s a real honour and a very small way to say thanks for what they have done for all of us and we will continue to provide this service as long as there is someone that needs it.”
And that’s just three of many contributors to the event.
Port Macquarie RSL Sub-branch cited many others and thanked them for their support, including Busways and HARS.
“Perhaps the biggest tribute we can all give to not only the diggers who are still with us but also to those that fell for our freedom is to be present for the ceremony.
“For many of the diggers this is the biggest day of their year and an opportunity for us to recognise their sacrifice.”

Service for April 25:
RSL Port Macquarie Sub-branch’s Karen Warner invited the public to join in the important events to be held in Port Macquarie.
“We are asking ex-servicemen and women to assemble at the Town Green War Memorial at 5.15am prior to the 5:30am commencement of the (dawn) service,” she said.
“The Commemorative March will form at the Southern end of Horton Street at 9:30am to step off at 10am for the Town Green service.
“Army Cadet Sergeant Dean Morton of the 208 Regional Cadet Unit will give the Dawn Service address.
“AIRCDRE Ian Scott AO (retired) will present the Commemoration Service address.
“A contingent from the local Army Reserve Unit, Air Force Personnel from RAAF Williamtown and Naval personnel from the HMAS Waterhen will participate in the march.
“Our local Cadet units will provide a catafalque party at both the Dawn Service and the Commemorative Service.”
RSL Sub-branch members, their partners, serving and ex servicemen and women will return to Panthers for a luncheon at 11.45am.
So too, Panthers will be open from 9am until midnight with two up scheduled.
Ex servicemen and women and all members of the public are invited to the services, said Port Macquarie RSL Sub-Branch president Greg Laird said.
The Laurieton United Services Club (LUSC) will be open at 4.45am for a cup of coffee or tea prior to the Dawn Service in the Camden Haven, which will be held at the Cenotaph, Laurie Park at 5.30am.
The LUSC will be open at 9am for members attending and marching in the Anzac Day commemorations.
For the march, members are asked to assemble at 10.20am in front of the LUSC in Seymour Street, Laurieton.
The march will move off at 10.30am for the Cenotaph in Laurie Park. Refreshments will be available for marchers and members of the LUSC after the march.
At 12.30pm in the Tarcoola Lounge, by ticket only, for financial members of the Laurieton RSL Sub-Branch, their spouse/partners.
If weather is severe, the service will be held undercover in the LUSC.
The Wauchope RSL will open its doors for refreshments on Sunday from 5 to 5.30am followed by a Dawn Service at the Cenotaph in Wauchope at 5.45am.
At 10.15am marchers are asked to assemble at the RSL to march to the cenotaph at 10.30am a service soon after.
Diggers will then return to the RSL for an “invite only’ luncheon.

Story: Darrell Nash

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