Campus takes apology seriously

Students, staff and community members gathered on Wednesday, February 13 at Port Macquarie Campus to observe and celebrate the anniversary of the National Apology.

Activities included hand painting, a sausage sizzle and speeches from members of staff.

Campus Manager, Greg Thompson said,”It has been five years since the Apology at Parliament House in Canberra, so it’s only right that we pause and remind ourselves of that milestone and consider in 2013 how and where we are going with our ways of working and learning together.”

According to Greg, there is clear evidence of positive shifts and success in many areas of education.

“For example, since the National Apology in 2008, we have seen annual enrolments at Port Macquarie Campus, of Aboriginal people in higher qualifications – Certificates III and IV; and Diploma – increase from 69 to 129 last year – a spectacular 88 per cent,” says Greg.

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