35 groups praised for Ironman efforts

The efforts of a host of local community organisations who volunteered during the Urban Hotel Group Ironman Australia Triathlon event have been recognised.
More than 35 community groups have received a total of $25,000 in donations to recognise their efforts in volunteering for the 2012 event.
Distribution of funds back into the community is part of the event’s funding agreement between race owners World Triathlon Corporation, the Local Organising Committee and Council.
Council’s Manager of Tourism and Economic Development, Linda Hall, said the opportunity for the Local Organising Committee, who are themselves volunteers, to support local community groups and organisations is one of the key motivators for these dedicated individuals.
“Whilst Ironman has a significant economic impact for our community, there is also a really positive benefit in building community spirit. A diverse range of local people, many of whom belong to community and school groups, have a really hands-on role in making the event happen and at the same time they build new friendships and raise money for their organisation,” Ms Hall said.
“The Local Organising Committee coordinate more than 2000 volunteers each year to assist on the day, which is a model unique to Port Macquarie and something our community should be very proud of.”
Local Organising Committee Directors have been making presentations to community organisations during the last week, with the Tacking Point State Primary School P&C, who assisted as marshals on the bike course, receiving their $1300 cheque earlier in the week.
Other community groups who received donations to acknowledge their volunteer efforts include Friends of the Koala Hospital, Grace Church Port Macquarie, Rotary Club of Port Macquarie Sunrise and Army Cadets Unit.
“The support, encouragement and logistical assistance offered by our volunteer army is consistently praised by Ironman athletes from around Australia and key to the success of our premier sporting spectacle,” Ms Hall said.

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