Everything for mums and bubs

The Armidale Town Hall was jam packed with everything for you and your baby, hosting the inaugural Armidale Baby Expo last Saturday.
When organisers opened the doors to the Town Hall in the morning they were surprised by the large queue of mums, bubs and everyone in between that had gathered for the very first Baby Expo. The crowds didn’t end there as a steady stream of people visited the Expo throughout the day.
“We have had some excellent feedback for our first Expo,” said organiser Melodie Glass.
“All our store holders are happy and visitors have been raving about the day.
“From a committee of 8 organisers and all mums with busy lives, we couldn’t be happier.
“It started as a small idea between myself and my Child and Family Health Nurse.
“We talked about the services that were available for new mums and we both came up with the idea of having an Expo.
“We gathered a highly skilled and motivated committee together and Armidale Dumaresq Council helped us with some funding,” said Melodie.
“The Expo is about bringing the businesses, support services and organisations that support young families together in Armidale and the New England.”
The committee are thrilled with this year’s Expo and after a well earned break will start planning for a bigger and better Baby Expo for next year.

Story: Jo Harrison

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