Nine hit the Lyne


NINE candidates are vying for the seat of Lyne at this year’s federal election.
It’s almost double the number that ran at the 2010 poll, and returns to the same amount of candidates that put their hand up in 2007.
Just one Independent will run this year, with Steve Attkins hoping to replace Rob Oakeshott.
Mr Attkins stood for the seat of Myall Lakes in the last state election, where he won 14 per cent of the primary vote.
He owns the Great Lakes Winery at Wootton, which is not in Lyne, but Mr Attkins said he had strong links to the electorate.
“I believe we need some strong representation and I don’t believe the two-party system has been very well received over this last period of time.
“I think that’s a huge problem for a lot of people.”
Mr Attkins said he had spoken to Mr Oakeshott before putting his hand up.
“It’s really up to me, not Rob, and I spoke to Rob briefly about it, but that’s not his call to make,” he said.
“He just said look if you want to go for it well done, good on you.”
The Independent joins Katter’s Australian Party hopeful Brian Buckley Clare, who is no stranger to elections.
The Old Bar resident has run for State Government and Taree council and said he joined KAP because he was disillusioned with the major parties.
“I was a former Liberal Party member, but I think the two major parties have lost sight of Christian values,” Mr Buckley Clare said.
“Bob Katter’s party has true Chritistian values and comes up with real solutions to real problems.
“The major parties want to throw money at problems, but don’t come up with genuine ideas to fix them.”
Mr Buckley Clare said he wanted to see a decrease in unemployment, provide more solutions for children on the street and the homeless and see Australia return to its Christian roots.
The other new candidate to throw his hat in the ring is Taree radio broadcaster Craig Huth, who is running for One Nation.
Mr Huth said it was time for him to “walk the walk after talking the talk”.
“I’ve been on radio for years interviewing politicians and having my say, but I thought it was time to put that into practice,” he said.
“I had interviewed (One Nation leader) Pauline Hanson before and I really agreed with the party’s values.”
Mr Huth said he wanted to see more Australian ownership and was concerned about the water quality problems associated with coal seam gas.
“I have only been a member of One Nation for about a month, but I think we have real solutions to some of this country’s problems.”

1. John Klose (Christian Democratic Party)
2. Craig Huth (One Nation)
3. Brian Buckley Clare (Katter’s Australian Party)
4. Peter Alley (Labor)
5. Ian Oxenford (Greens)
6. David Gillespie (Nationals)
7. Troy Wilkie (Palmer United Party)
8. Michael Gough (Citizens Electoral Council)
9. Steve Attkins (Independent)

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