Award presentation an early start to Australia Day

Hastings residents are being invited to start their Australia Day celebrations early and attend the presentation of the 2013 Australia Day Awards on Friday, January 25.

The Awards ceremony will start at 6pm on the Town Green in Port Macquarie and will recognise the nominees and winners in four categories; Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year, Senior Citizen of the Year and Community Group of the Year.

Mayor Peter Besseling, who will officiate the ceremony with Australia Day Ambassador Karen Banton, said each of the 27 Award nominees deserves recognition.

“All of the individuals and groups nominated for Australia Day Awards have demonstrated an inspirational commitment to their community and helping others. I’m looking forward to publicly recognising the efforts of all our nominees and honouring those chosen as winners,” said Councillor Besseling.

The Awards presentation is a free community event with entertainment prior to the official ceremony, with the Port Macquarie Lions Club providing food to supplement the surrounding businesses.

“All of the nominees and those who submitted nominations, have been personally invited, but this free celebration is open to all the public and I’d encourage people to start their Australia Day weekend by supporting the efforts of some of our local heroes,” said Councillor Besseling.

Award winners will be invited to join the official party at the celebrations around the Hastings on Saturday, January 26. A highlight of the proceedings will be the citizenship ceremonies in Camden Haven, Wauchope and Port Macquarie where 30 people will mark the national day by becoming our newest citizens.

For full details of all the Australia Day activities, see Council’s website

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