The Inaugural Day of Respect is being launched in Kempsey and a full day of family fun has been planned.
To be held at the Kempsey Showgrounds from 11am on November 10, the Day of Respect promises to be the best celebration of traditional Aussie fun that Kempsey can host and an opportunity to raise money for the Kempsey District Hospital.
The plan for the day is based around an ‘Old Country Fair’ with the whole community involved, starting with family activities and BBQ lunch.
Family activities include face painting, 3 legged races, sack races, egg and spoon races, fancy dress parade with the theme ‘when your grand parents were kids’, and plaster of Paris painting.
Community activities include the fastest athletes in the Macleay and surrounding areas (by age groups and gender), community service demonstrations, country music/bush bands and a charitable auction are just some of the ideas we are actively working on.
The day will culminate with an Awards Dinner where in the spirit of the day we shall celebrate and recognise those companies and individuals that show an ongoing commitment to the day’s ideals, acknowledging their active role in making Australia the nation it is today and into the future. The night will finish with a country music/bush dance.