Klose to the election

JOHN Klose is keen to see a change in the political landscape of Australia.

The Crescent Head resident has signed up to represent the Christian Democratic Party at this year’s federal election.
Mr Klose will be gunning for election in Lyne against David Gillespie (Nationals), Peter Alley (Country Labor) and Ian Oxenford (Greens).
Incumbent independent MP Rob Oakeshott has yet to confirm whether he will seek re-election at the September 14 polls.
“I uphold our nation’s Christian heritage and the importance of righteousness, especially in government,” Mr Klose said.
“Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a reproach to any people.”
“Several years ago a significant revelation came to me – one which has underpinned a determination to fix the floundering evident in this nation.”
Mr Klose is a keen cyclist and runs his own bike shop with his wife Jan.
He is a regular at Grace Church in Port Macquarie and also facilitates a Sunday Bible study session in homes around Crescent Head.

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