Wheel turns for Rotary

Eric Edge presents Ted Giblin with the charter for the Rotary Club of Port Macquarie.
Eric Edge presents Ted Giblin with the charter for the Rotary Club of Port Macquarie.

TED Giblin will lead the Rotary Club of Port Macquarie for the next year after taking over from Eric Edge at the club’s 65th changeover dinner last week.

The 100 people at the dinner were told that the club had had a successful year, having donated $46,204 to community organisations.
The new board comprises president Ted Giblin, vice-president Glenda Barber, immediate past president Eric Edge, president-elect Debbie Loveday, secretary Terry Crossley, treasurer Frank Beukers, directors Debbie Loveday (club), Kerry Medway (vocational), Adam Rumble (community), Mavis Wallace (international), and Ian Last (youth).
They will be assisted by bulletin editor Laurie Barber, public relations officer Bob Cleland, Rotary Foundation chairman John Oxley, and sergeants Kerry Medway, Paul Trevillion, Neil Porter and Phil Perry.
The district governor’s representative at the changeover was Iven Mackay, who recently moved north from Melbourne and is now a member of the Sawtell club.
Seven cheques were presented at the dinner last Wednesday.
Those accepting were Ray White for work on Tanna Island, Ian McKay for Noble Endeavours, Guy Middlebrook for the REAP food project at Port Macquarie, Kenn Brown for the special Olympics, Ian Last for Interact, Phil Perry for Rotary Lodge and George Mills for a malaria project.
Sheila Openshaw received special recognition as a companion of Australian Rotary Health for her work during the year, not only in mental health but as organiser of the trivia night which raised more than $7000 for motor neurone disease research.
Retiring president Eric Edge paid tribute to the Rotarians for their efforts during the past year.
He went through the year month by month, making special mention of Lorryl Rumble’s efforts at Rotary Park, the Craft Expo, the book sale, golf day and many youth activities, as well as continuing work at Tanna Island in Vanuatu.
Bew president Ted Giblin said he would emphasise membership and enthusiasm and he hoped another club team would go to Tanna.

Sheila Openshaw receives from Eric Edge a certificate acknowledging her as a companion of Australian Rotary health.
Sheila Openshaw receives from Eric Edge a certificate acknowledging her as a companion of Australian Rotary health.
The new board of the Rotary Club of Port Macquarie: Ted Giblin, Frank Beukers, Glenda Barber, Terry Crossley, Eric Edge, Debbie Loveday, Kerry Medway, Mavis Wallace, Adam Rumble, and Ian Last.
The new board of the Rotary Club of Port Macquarie: Ted Giblin, Frank Beukers, Glenda Barber, Terry Crossley, Eric Edge, Debbie Loveday, Kerry Medway, Mavis Wallace, Adam Rumble, and Ian Last.

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