Strong local representation for Young Nats

The Mid-North Coast was well represented at the recent Young Nationals Conference in Wagga.
Local MP Leslie Williams said it was great to see young people from the Mid-North Coast speaking so passionately about the issues facing our region.
According to newly appointed NSW Young Nationals Chairman Felicity Walker, more than 50 Young Nationals members from throughout NSW attended the Conference, the first in more than two decades.
“It is a very exciting time for the Young Nats, and this Conference is a reflection of how far we have come as an organisation in the last few years – we are growing stronger by the day,” Ms Walker said.
“To have so many Young Nationals members from right across NSW put up their hand to be part of the Conference shows just how positive the future is looking for the Young Nationals”
“Everyone at the Conference has made a commitment to grow our membership so that our organisation can tap into the wealth of experience and potential of young people from right across regional NSW.”
George Freeman from Port Macquarie said the Conference incorporated social events, policy discussions and guest speakers.
“We had representatives from the Far North Coast right down to Griffith coming together to talk about regional youth issues,” Mr Freeman said.
Mr Freeman said the success of the Nationals at last year’s State election presented the Young Nationals with a unique opportunity to re-energise their own organisation.
“There were a lot of young people at the conference who played a big part in the election result, and the Young Nats are keen to use that momentum to make a real difference for regional youth.”

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