Toad warning for dog owners

As the weather warms and cane toads populate Tweed Coast gardens, veterinary experts are urging dog owners to be aware of the dangers the poisonous amphibians can pose to their pets.
Leading Queensland animal hospital BVSC has recorded a sharp rise in the number of dogs treated for toad poisoning recently and is warning pet owners this is a serious and widespread problem.
BSVC founder and leading veterinarian Dr Rod Straw said toad poisoning can have potentially fatal consequences for your pet.
“When threatened, toads emit a milky, toxic secretion from glands behind their ears as a defence mechanism.
“The toxin is absorbed by a dog via the gums and eyes. Once the toxin is absorbed it will quickly make its way through their system,” he said.
Dr Rod Straw said the high incidence of toad poisonings stemmed from the relatively easy way in which poisoning can occur.
“Many dogs are curious about cane toads and will attempt to lick them or grab them in their mouths.
BVSC animal hospital says dog owners should act quickly once toad poisoning has occurred.
“Symptoms of toad poisoning can include drooling, foaming at the mouth, red gums, vomiting, heart rhythm abnormalities and convulsions.
“Swallowing the toad will cause the same signs with more severe vomiting or diarrhoea.”
“Pet owners should also repeatedly wash out the dog’s mouth and wipe the teeth and gums to remove any toxic remnants, but avoid using a hose as this may cause the dog to breathe in the water. A wet towel is a good option as pet owners can rinse and wipe repeatedly.
“If your dog has mouthed or swallowed a toad it is vital to seek immediate aid from a vet as the animal can die within 15 minutes of the poisoning occurring,” he said.
Dog owners concerned about the threat of toads can take some preventative steps to help reduce the threat.
“A vet can provide you with some basic training exercises that you can implement to help deter your dog from toads.
“When it comes to the health of your pet and keeping them safe, it is always best to take precautions,” he said.

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