Bear Grills finds faith at Alpha

Television dare-devil, Bear Grills has been all over the world and faced some amazing fears and life-threatening experiences.
His television series has been very popular in the UK, America and in Australia. But the most amazing encounter Bear Grills had was in a church in London, England.
A few years ago Bear Grills was invited to join an ALPHA course at Holy Trinity Anglican Church in Brompton, London. This is the place where quaint English parson, Nicky Gumble created ALPHA, a dynamic course on Christianity that has swept around the world.
Since ALPHA began, 1000s of people have found faith in Jesus Christ. There are many who suggest that this is the greatest revival to come out of England since the days of George Whitfield and John Wesley.
Here in Port Macquarie commencing on September 11, GRACE Church is offering the people of our city and area a chance to experience a living faith that will change lives and heal marriages and set people free from deep hurts, just as Bear Grills found when doing Alpha.
A team from Grace Church, led by former policeman, Trevor Ford will be conducting the ALPHA course over a period of 10 weeks. People interested are invited to attend An Intro To Alpha, Coffee Dessert Night on Tuesday, September 11, at 7pm. You are invited to come and see, with no obligation and if interested then to sign-up for the ALPHA course over the next 10 weeks. Cost is $10 for the 10-week course.
RSVPs for the INTRO NIGHT need to be sent to Trevor Ford, Grace Church on6581 0654. If you miss the Intro night, it is not too late to join-in the ALPHA course one or two weeks after it has started.

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