Handmade on the Mid-North Coast

Thought to be the first fully-dedicated market to handmade items on the Mid-North Coast, the Made with Love Markets has just launched. The Made with Love Markets will be held at Novotel Pacific Bay Resort in Coffs Harbour. A brand new website has just been revealed and bookings are now being taken for the next market to be held on Sunday, August 28 from 10am to 2pm. Interested stallholders will also be able to make a booking on the website for the Christmas market to be held on Sunday, December 5. The organisers of the event, Alison Paul from www.coffsforkids.com and Cathy Parker, from Tabatinga, are very excited with the possibilities and said they hoped to hold the markets quarterly in 2012. “Given the success of other handmade markets in the capital cities we thought there was definitely a demand for it on the Mid-North Coast. “We hope to attract stallholders and customers alike from all over the region. It will be a real family day out, with lots of entertainment planned for the kids as well,” said Ms Paul. “Novotel is a gorgeous venue and will mean a lot more room for everyone, plus we don’t have to worry about the weather!” You can find out information about the market on the website www.madewithlovemarkets.com or email alison@coffsforkids.com.

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