But now is the time to register your support.
One in every two Australians is diagnosed with cancer by the age 85. It’s a disease that doesn’t discriminate and stretches across all cultures and communities.
In the Mid-North Coast region alone, about 2098 people will be diagnosed with cancer and around 777 people will die from the disease this year.
Cancer Council aims to raise $9.2 million nationally this year through Daffodil Day. Funds will go towards cancer research, prevention, and information and support services like the Helpline.
By supporting Daffodil Day, you can help grow hope towards a brighter, cancer-free future.
“Daffodil Day is a fun day for the whole community to get involved. Whether you volunteer on the day to help out at a street stall, order merchandise or fresh daffodils to sell, or make a donation, it is a great way be part of the local community,” said Cancer Council representative Ruth Gollan.
“We are also encouraging businesses, schools and community groups to go yellow for the day to help grow hope and raise awareness.”
For more information or to register your support for Daffodil Day 2012, visit www.daffodilday.com.au.