Abbott dwells in an earlier era

Do we want a society ruled by Tony Abbott, Eric Abetz, Sophie Mirrabella and Bronwyn Bishop, which draws on the intellectual foibles of Paul Fidlon, because this is where we are heading.
Could we reflect on their values for a moment. All support British Monarchy as a claimed protector of Democracy. Monarchy is head of state in New Guinea. New Guinea is failing as a civil society and a democracy, while monarchy basks in an orgy of self approval.
Abbott and Paul have told us the mining industry will die because of carbon tax. Gina Reinhart has recently been named as the richest woman on earth.
Abbott has told us taxpayers will fund his carbon reduction policy. He socializes the costs while Gina and Clive Palmer get the profits. This is an old National Party trick. If Abbott can keep the voters thinking about Craig Thomson they may not notice, so he thinks.
There are talented people in the Liberal Party. All are moderates and none will thrive under Abbott. Like Rudd, his only vision is of him as Prime Minister. Where do we go then.
Abbott dwells in an earlier era, the norms and mores of which are completely discredited. He has no idea how to take this country forward, so he sugar coats the past. We deserve better than this.

John Bergin,

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