Six billon dollar Queensland Flood levy

To impose a levy of six billon dollars to restore Queensland and Victorian infrastructures after the terrible floods: the levy will provide the PM with the excuse not to allocate a single dollar of the 36 billion-dollar NBN rollout to assist Queensland and Victoria – a rollout she regards as an “investment”, an “investment” vastly more important than helping fellow Australians to rebuild their lives.

Typical ALP budget thievery. Labor spends billions on the uncosted fibre broadband and, at the same time, taxes the very victims of the floods (with the rest of us) – a rank example of adding to the taxes we have already provided for Julia Gillard’s and Tony Windsor’s beloved white elephant, the NBN.

Note, of course, that no Labor MPs (including the self-styled “Independents”) have called on Gillard to stop this outright robbery of Australian wage earners.

Be sure to vote Labor next time, won’t you!

Dr Paul Fidlon

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