Change the paradigm

Sam Dastyari’s suggestion that the ALP should preference the Greens last is bizarre. It can only favour the ALP, federally and elsewhere, to closely cooperate with the Greens. “Brand” restoration is not the real issue.
Voters want much more diverse choices and diverse representation now than what is on offer by the two-party tyranny. They want an end to the endless major party bickering. That is the issue.
The electoral laws of 1918 and 1924 are grossly biased towards both the Coalition and the ALP, a pathetic situation. In 2010 voters finally rejected that decisively. Heed the warning. Obviously, what we do need is political system improvement; that means a replacement of the adversarial system, a major change to a cooperative political culture.
Introduction of pro-portional voting, used in many other countries, would provide chances for more parties in the parliament and progressive coalition government.
The notion that PR means more minority government; an objection by critics, is utter nonsense. PR actually delivers majority government. Mr Dastyari and the forthcoming NSW ALP conference should concentrate on shifting the paradigm. An initiative to improve the system would be widely welcomed. The time is now.

Klaas Woldring
Pearl Beach

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