Hypothetical hotbed

Fuel prices are rising and the cause is the tension in the Middle East between Iran and Israel. Pundits are “prophesying” that war might be imminent. But to send petrol prices aloft because of what “might happen” is akin to pushing up the price of bananas because a cyclone might come and wipe out the banana trees.
War over Iran’s supposed desire to make a nuclear bomb is a preposterous proposition. If Iran did have a nuke weapon and used it, Iran would be attacked in kind and be wiped off the face of the earth.
Why then do they want to have a nuclear bomb? Perhaps when they see what the USA has been up to in the last 60 years and the wars the USA has conducted and the millions annihilated by such wars; Iran probably feels that they need a nuclear device as a deterrent. This is quite understandable.
The “rogue” nation of North Korea is also developing nuke weapons (so we are told) but there is no suggestion that the USA and Israel attack that country. Perhaps such action might drag in China and that would be catastrophic.
Why doesn’t the US fleet stay at home and let the rest of us get on with our lives without the threat of yet another American instigated war? We have had enough of their warmongering.

Jay Nauss
Glen Aplin

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