Royal Commission

We have heard so much about child abuse in the Roman Catholic Church, that Prime Minister Gillard feels there is political mileage to be had, by having a Royal Commission into these matters. At a quick glance, it seems a good idea. We have yet to hear what the terms of reference will be and who will head the enquiry.
To be fair, the enquiry needs to consider all aspects of child abuse and be open to ALL those who have a story to tell. The Heiner Affair in Qld over 20 years ago should be on the agenda as well. It is also necessary to note that much abuse is perpetuated by the serial boyfriends of single mothers. The Commission’s investigation should not be limited to only allegations against the Catholic Church.
Unless this enquiry is concluded in reasonable time, it will lose any effectiveness it may have. If, like the enquiry in Ireland, it drags on for years, it will be no more than a tinkling symbol.
Once concluded, the enquiry needs to recommend serious punishments for child abuse offenders as warning to those who would ever contemplate abusing children.
Secondly, if there are any who bring forth false allegations, they should be promptly and seriously dealt with.

Jay Nauss
Glen Aplin

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