Thank you from Guide Dogs NSW/ACT

On behalf of Guide Dogs NSW/ACT, I would like to thank the residents from Armidale who supported our recent ‘NDIS: A Vision for All’ campaign. We were overwhelmed by your support and were able to collect over 19,000 signatures; almost twice the number we had hoped for.
These signatures were presented to the Federal Minister for Disability Reform, Jenny Macklin, and the NSW Minister for Disability Services, Andrew Constance, on International White Cane Day, on Monday, October 15.
The advocacy campaign was created to ensure that those Australians with vision loss won’t be left in the dark when the government makes its decision on NDIS funding.
We hope that each Minister will take the messages of support collected from your community, along with thousands of others, and ensure that the National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) funds services including canes and guide dogs for those Australians who are blind or vision impaired.

Graeme White
Chief Executive Officer
Guide Dogs NSW/ACT

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