Council carers pay rise

MELTON City councillors last week supported a motion to increase the maximum hourly rate of caring expenses by almost double.
At last week’s council meeting the policy review panel minutes were adopted which included the increase in hourly rates to $41 per hour for carers required to look after councillors’ dependants.
The maximum rate carers have been reimbursed since 2008 is $20.
The minutes were eventually supported despite reluctance from one councillor.
Watts ward councillor Lara Carli questioned the wording in in the council report which stated that if a “receipt or tax invoice cannot be produced, the councillor should submit a statement or letter to the council (chief executive)” outlining all the details of the claim including date and title of the event/meeting of which reimbursement is being requested and the provider of the service.
Cr Carli reserved her right to vote claiming the statement could be open to abuse.
“I think it’s really open ended… it needs to be tightened. I think it can be open to misuse,” Cr Carli said.
She also said a registered carer should be required to provide an Australian Business Number at all times.

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