West urged to lead

95300_01 Launch of LeadWest's Western Agenda. Pic of minister Bill Shorten.

Natalie Gallenti

Melton Mayor Kathy Majdlik and Chief Executive Kelvin Tori travelled to Parliament House to meet with the Prime Minister, federal ministers and shadow ministers as part of the delegation.
They joined the mayors and CEOs from five other local government areas to discuss key issues affecting the western region of Melbourne.
Cr Majdlik said the meetings were productive with important discussions held around priority areas of health, education, jobs and infrastructure.
“The delegation was a fantastic opportunity to meet one-on-one with decision makers and lobby for key items of regional infrastructure and services for one of the fastest growing regions in Australia,” Cr Majdlik said.
“As a result of discussions I am confident the position of the West has been firmly placed before both the government and opposition as well as key policy makers leading into the upcoming election.”
For a copy of the Western Agenda visit www.leadwest.com.au

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