Cans can help at the video store


NETWORK Video Melton is doing all it can to provide hunger relief to the local community.
The video rental store is calling on residents to do their bit to help out the two million Australians that rely on food relief at some point every year. And helping is as easy as donating a can of food to the store and receiving a free weekly rental in return.
Statistics show that one in every 10 Australians relies on food relief at some point over the course of any given year – alarmingly, children make up half of that figure.
According to Daryl Dyer from Network Video Melton, the Cans4Films initiative proves that making a difference doesn’t have to be expensive – for less than a cup of coffee, a resident can provide a meal to an Australian who would otherwise miss out. And the donations will go to a local charity to ensure the food is given directly to those that need it.
“All of us at Network Video Melton are proud to be part of the Cans4Films Festival in 2013,” Daryl said.
“It’s such a great cause, and we’re so happy to be providing practical solutions to such a big problem in today’s society.”
To donate food or make a gold coin donation visit Network Video Melton, 57-59 Bakery Square, Melton.

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