Maths masterminds

106137_01 Students, from left,Tevone, Richard, Trung, Corey and Gabrielle.


STUDENTS from Brookside College put their thinking caps on last week and got down to the business of improving their mathematic skills. The Caroline Springs school hosted a maths challenge day and invited schools from across Melbourne’s West to participate. Numeracy events and promotions co-ordinator Rebecca Jameson said the day was a huge success and pupils really enjoyed the chance to solve puzzles and brainteasers while developing strategies with their fellow peers. “We wanted to focus on an academic event, rather than just sporting achievements,” she said. “We’re hoping it will become an annual event … we received fantastic feedback from other schools.” The group of students, including, from left, Tevone, Richard, Trung, Corey and Gabrielle, were deemed the eventual winners of the maths challenge and were awarded medals and a trophy. 106137 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

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