Loving the VIEW

From front row left: Club Vice-president Helen Powley, members Rosemary Humphrey, Pauleen Haw, Back row: President Jeni Jordan and member Alvie Clancy. 102599 Picture: NICOLE VALICEK


A CLUB in Altona with a strong view on connecting and educating women of all ages and backgrounds will celebrate its 14th birthday next month.
Altona Day VIEW Club president Jeni Jordan said the club’s name, which is an acronym for Voice, Interests and Education of Women, is what the nation-wide groups continue to advocate.
VIEW Clubs were founded by the general-secretary of the Smith Family in 1960, as friendship group for women which also raises money for charity.
Mrs Jordan said the clubs were established to give women a network of support, a platform to voice their views on issues of national concern and a forum in which to support the charitable work of The Smith Family.
“It’s good fun,” she said.
Mrs Jordan, who has held the role of president for the last three years, said she joined the group after her family had grown-up and she was looking for a social activity and friendship.
“It’s a meeting of ladies, we come together we have a meal we have a chat.”
“You develop friendships with people and you find out you not alone in your problems.”
She said the group, which meets once a month in Altona, also enjoy fun outings and guest speakers that are designed to educate the women.
Helen Powley, who has been a member of the VIEW clubs since 1978 said her enjoyment comes from a combination of friendships, outings, guest speakers and charitable work the group does with The Smith Family.
Mrs Jordan said the group welcomed new members of varying ages.
The Altona VIEW Club will celebrate its 14 birthday on 21 August.
More information can be found at http://austcom.org.au/viewclubs.html.

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