Having a fine time

Book worm ...  Sunshine library members who rack up fines are being offered the chance to read them off but little Brya was there last week of her own accord getting stuck into a good book.  57415 Book worm … Sunshine library members who rack up fines are being offered the chance to read them off but little Brya was there last week of her own accord getting stuck into a good book. 57415

BRIMBANK youngsters were busily reading books last week in a bid to pay off their fines.
This year Brimbank Libraries are offering an added incentive for children to join the Summer Reading Club by offering a read down your fines program from 1 December to 15 December.
Children who have overdue fines on their library card will have their fines wiped off by reading in the library for a specified time.
Children can register at any of Brimbank’s five branch libraries to join the Summer Reading Club and get a reading record and activity kit.
The Club encourages children of all ages in reading, writing, sharing books and other fun literature based activities over the summer period.

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