BRIMBANK residents are urged to comment on a revised Municipal Strategic Statement, which is on public exhibition until 11 February.
The community is invited to attend an informal drop-in information session at the Sunshine Municipal Office between 5pm and 7pm on 31 January.
The document contains the vision for land use development within the municipality and forms part of the Brimbank Planning Scheme.
The MSS provides a strategic vision for the future of Brimbank and sets out land use directions through policy themes, objectives, strategies and guidelines for particular themes or areas, such as activity centres, housing urban design and environment.
The MSS is available for inspection at the Brimbank City Council offices, Sunshine Harvester Customer Service Centre, 301 Hampshire Rd, Sunshine, Keilor Office Customer Service Centre Municipal Office, old Calder Hwy, Keilor, all local libraries within Brimbank and the council website