Road works begin

CONSTRUCTION has commenced on the next stage of the duplication of Gourlay Rd in Taylors Hill.
Initial drainage works started on site last week, with major earthworks set to commence early next year.
The $1.8 million project involves the construction of a new northbound carriageway and partial reconstruction of the southbound carriageway between Grevillea Close and Hume Drive.
Works will also include the removal of the roundabout at the Gourlay Rd and Hume Drive intersection and replacement with traffic signals.
Melton Shire Council Mayor Justin Mammarella said the project was a significant upgrade to Gourlay Rd and would result in improved traffic flows and increased road safety.
“This is the second stage of a three stage process to duplicate Gourlay Rd and will help address traffic congestion associated with a large increase in traffic volumes along Gourlay Rd,” Cr Mammarella said.
He asked drivers to remain patient during the works and observe speed restrictions at all times.

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