RESIDENTS across Melton Shire recycled more than 1000 tonnes of paper, plastic, glass and cardboard during December last year as part of the council’s kerbside recycling collection.
This translates to almost 300 full recycling truck loads, or about 18 per cent of the MCG.
Melton Shire Council Deputy Mayor Broden Borg, said the milestone was a pleasing result of the council and community efforts.
“Melton Shire Council is committed to reducing the amount of waste sent to landfill and it’s pleasing to see that the majority of residents are helping us achieve that goal,” Cr Borg said.
He said residents cleaning up after Christmas should take advantage of the of the Melton Recycling Facility.
Unwanted Christmas gifts, such as electrical items, books and CDs, can be deposited free of charge at the Re-Sale Centre at the Melton Recycling Facility. The items will be re-sold to the public at below cost. For information visit