Helping out with ABCs

A RETURN to the workforce or school desk is daunting enough, but for those struggling with basic English skills, the move can be all the more intimidating. That’s where Community West teachers such as Raveen Raj Kumar, pictured, step in. The not-for-profit organisation runs a variety of classes across Brimbank to help adults who are contemplating a return to work or study. Community West Education Manager Lindee Conway said a major part of the organisation’s work was instilling confidence in people to apply for work or further study. “No adult is unteachable,” she said. Classes for adult learners resume this month. For more information call 9363 1811. 60115A RETURN to the workforce or school desk is daunting enough, but for those struggling with basic English skills, the move can be all the more intimidating. That’s where Community West teachers such as Raveen Raj Kumar, pictured, step in. The not-for-profit organisation runs a variety of classes across Brimbank to help adults who are contemplating a return to work or study. Community West Education Manager Lindee Conway said a major part of the organisation’s work was instilling confidence in people to apply for work or further study. “No adult is unteachable,” she said. Classes for adult learners resume this month. For more information call 9363 1811. 60115

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