Heroin high in Brimbank

By Alesha Capone
THE number of heroin call-outs recorded by Ambulance Victoria within Brimbank has skyrocketed to more than 160 over 12 months.
In the area, paramedics attended 169 heroin emergencies within the 2009/2010 financial year, compared to 128 during the previous year.
Brimbank recorded the fourth-highest rate of heroin cases in Melbourne, and the third-highest rate of heroin overdoses.
There were 111 overdoses during 2009/2010, compared to 87 in the previous financial year.
The alarming data was included in the annual ‘Alcohol and Drug Related Ambulance Attendances’ report, which was released last week.
The study was put together by the Turning Point Alcohol and Drug Centre and Ambulance Victoria, and funded by the Department of Health.
The report also showed ambulance officers attended a total of more than 1000 drug and ambulance related calls in Brimbank, making the area the eighth-highest in the state.
There were almost 200 alcohol-related cases during the 2009/2010 financial year, down from 235 in the previous year.
The rate of cannabis and amphetamine occurrences in Brimbank also fell from the previous 12 months, but crystal methamphetamine and benzodiazepine-related attendances rose.
There were 134 benzodiazepine incidents, 55 antidepressant cases and 35 antipsychotic emergencies.
In Brimbank, paramedic crews also attended 30 cannabis cases, 18 of amphetamines, 11 of opioid analgesics, seven of ecstasy, eight of crystal methamphetamines and five of GHB.
Victoria Police acting Brimbank local area commander, Inspector Paul Allinson, said the high rate of drug and alcohol-related calls to Ambulance Victoria was encouraging.
He said it reflected the community’s confidence in emergency services and helped to refer users onto medical help and rehabilitation.
“The Brimbank Police Service Area is also highly represented in domestic violence calls and we see that as a positive in many ways, because it enables us to step in and take action on breaking the cycle,” he said.

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