Sky’s the limit for musos

Vacant Skies, made up of Western Suburbs musos including lead singer Safiye Verdu, is hoping to break into the music industry with their unique style of music. 69129   Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKIVacant Skies, made up of Western Suburbs musos including lead singer Safiye Verdu, is hoping to break into the music industry with their unique style of music. 69129 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

A GROUP of Western Suburbs musicians is hoping to make their mark on the music industry with their original songs.
Vacant Skies is made up of musos from Melbourne’s West and have been together for almost a year.
Lead singer and St Albans resident Safiye Verdu said she has always been interested in music and is inspired by iconic singers like Frank Sinatra and Celine Dion.
“To front a band has always been one of my aspirations and I’m just loving the experience I’m getting now, both in music performance and the music industry,” Safiye said.
The young artist has been singing since she was eight years old and also had dance, acting and musical theatre training and said performing was her passion.
The band writes original pieces while also performing some cover songs and is influenced by artists like The Living End, Green Day, Incubus and Jimmy Eat World.
They have played recent gigs at venues across Melbourne and hope to record an EP soon.
Vacant Skies will be performing on 1 September at the Laundry Bar in Fitzroy.

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