Nappies soil nature strips

By Alesha Capone
FRUSTRATED residents of a Sunshine street have asked a nearby school principal to stop people dumping rubbish and nappies on their nature strips.
In a newsletter last month from Sunshine Primary School, the principal wrote:
“A number of very frustrated residents living on Derby Rd have come to see me in relation to rubbish and nappies being dumped on their nature strip.
“The residents have requested for our school community to please do the right thing and take your rubbish home or put it in the bin.
“The Brimbank City Council has been informed by the residents in relation to this matter.”
Star contacted the school, but did not receive a response.
But Brimbank City Council’s general manager of infrastructure and environment, Paul Younis, said records showed they “received one inquiry from the community in relation to rubbish being dumped on Derby Rd, Sunshine this year”.
“This inquiry was received on 7 June 2011 and actioned on 8 June 2011.”
“As we have only received one inquiry in relation to illegal dumping on Derby Rd this year, council was unaware that this was an ongoing issue.
“We are more than happy to work with the school and the broader community in relation to education around littering.”
Mr Younis said the Environment Protection prescribed a maximum of 40 penalty units for illegal dumping of rubbish, with one penalty unit equalling a fine of $122.

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