Secret garden details

By Laura Wakely
THE GRADE separation of Anderson Rd in Sunshine could fast become a David and Goliath showdown.
The Regional Rail Link (RRL) Authority released their preliminary designs last month for the separation of the railway line from Anderson Rd at King Edward Ave and the Sun Crescent/Forrest St intersections, confirming that some of the heritage-listed HV McKay Memorial Gardens would be acquired (Garden grab, 29 November, Star).
The community have since demanded details of the garden acquisition, but have so far, received no answers.
Friends of McKay Gardens president Catherine McDonald said she had been told that the gate and footbridge would be moved from their current locations, despite this information not being provided in the leaflets that were delivered to Sunshine letterboxes a fortnight ago.
A RRL Authority spokesperson told Star the “ageing” footbridge, which is included in the gardens heritage listing, will be replaced and that more information would be given out “once our contractors are on board”.
“It’s very poor form,” Ms McDonald said.
The group is meeting with the RRL Authority this Friday and have asked all interested residents to come along.
Ms McDonald said the Friends would be prepared to fight any acquisition.
“I’m not ok with them taking anything, this is a heritage garden,” she said.
“The form that it is in is what we’ve been able to save from years of abuse.”
She also alleged that the Authority is in “secret negotiations” with Heritage Victoria about the gardens.
A Heritage Victoria spokesperson confirmed staff had met with the Authority, but said they were yet to receive notice of any change of ownership for the land.
The spokesperson said a permit exemption was issued in December 2010 for the RRL Authority to create two test bores in the gardens, but that none had been issued since.
“The acquisition or sale of land does not require Heritage Victoria approval,” the spokesperson said.
“Heritage Victoria will be required to consider a permit application for any works proposed and will then assess this in relation to the extent the works would ‘affect the cultural heritage significance of the registered place or object’ and other requirements under the Act.”
Friends of the McKay Gardens will meet with the RRL Authority at the Granary Café in Sunshine at 5.30pm on Friday 9 December.

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