Survivor is an inspiration

Christina Magri, 30, has been diagnosed with cancer twice and has lived to tell the tale. 88712 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKIChristina Magri, 30, has been diagnosed with cancer twice and has lived to tell the tale. 88712 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

CHRISTINA Magri is a survivor in every sense of the word.
The Kurunjang mother has battled cancer twice and has come out triumphant.
At only 13, Christina and her loving family were given the devastating news that a cancerous tumour had been discovered at the back of her throat.
The cancer was inoperable so Christina was forced to endure chemotherapy for a year and 32 treatments of radiation.
While other teenagers were going out and having fun, she lost her hair and couldn’t attend school.
What she never lost though was her fighting spirit and commitment to life.
“My aunty and uncle had cancer and they were an inspiration. I thought if they can get through it so can I,” Christina said.
Then life was normal for 15 years – apart from the yearly check-ups. Christina married her sweetheart Paul and they had a bouncing baby boy Aiden. She even established a successful home business.
But cancer struck again.
In August last year Christina’s jaw began to ache. Specialists put it down to a simple mouth ulcer, but because of her past she persisted and it was eventually discovered to be a cancer.
A portion of Christina’s tongue was removed and her speech, mobility and diet were severely affected.
“My initial reaction was ‘wow’, I never thought that would happen again. It sounds mad, but I thought I’d paid my dues.
“The initial reaction was one of shock, but then it was; ok, what can we do about it.”
Over a year on and Christina continues to see a speech therapist, physiotherapist and dietitian.
Through the ordeal she has been motivated to keep fighting for her two-year-old son.
“The most important thing was to get back on my feet and just have the energy to play with him.
“My life has changed completely. It’s definitely made me think differently. It’s not all about what you have but about who you have around you.
“It’s not about the fancy cars or the fancy furniture or the fancy house, but being around for my son’s first words and first steps.”
Now Christina is giving back to the community. She hosted a Girls’ Night In last Friday and raised hundreds of dollars for the Cancer Council with the help of her family and friends.
And despite what people think, Christina’s decision to host the evening wasn’t because she herself had cancer but it was for the people who are dealing with it now.
“I don’t want people to judge me or feel sorry for me. I’m fine, as much as I might not sound fine or have to repeat myself, I’m fine. There are worse things in life.
“As a mother, a wife, a daughter, a sister and a best friend, I want to tell people whatever happens in life you can get through it.”

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