KEILOR residents are calling for a halt to the Tullamarine airport expansion after the announcement of a third runway which could see thousands of planes fly over Melbourne’s north-west.
The proposed $500 million runway, which will be three kilometres long and capable of handling large passenger jets such as the A380 airbus, will operate south of the existing east-west runway.
Melbourne Airport CEO Chris Woodruff said the new runway would “meet the demand from domestic and international airlines as the number of passengers travelling through Melbourne continues to grow.”
The runway would allow more aircraft movements, which are expected to jump from 200,000 to 281,000 in the next 10 years.
Works on the runway could begin as early as 2016.
Fight the Flight Path (FTFP) spokesperson Jody Freestone said the proposed east-west runway would not see a second flight path over Brimbank but would still have a significant impact on the community.
Ms Freestone said residents are concerned about air and noise pollution, detrimental effects on the environmental and a lack of infrastructure surrounding the airport.
“It is important to ensure the State Government is going to address the crippling infrastructure that’s already affected, not only by the airport traffic, but also the general pressure on infrastructure around the airport,” she said.
“Our organisation is not against further economic development for Victoria, we are all for that. We just want it carefully balanced against the growth corridors of Victoria.”
Keilor resident and FTFP member Christian McLean said the State Government should look at other options, such as Avalon or Tyabb Airport, which can provide more economic and environmental benefits for Victoria.
“Our group is about what’s in the best interests of the north-western suburbs and greater Melbourne from a planning point of view and that is not to develop Melbourne airport any further and look at other viable alternatives,” he said.
The airport’s preferred orientation for the third runway will be included in the draft master plan which will be released for public consultation early next year.
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