Allan is a top teen

Keilor Downs Secondary College student Allan Buhagiar has the ‘Youth of the Year’ award from the Taylors Lakes Lions Club. 94760 Picture: JOE MASTROIANNI

TEENAGER Allan Buhagiar said he was surprised to win the inaugural Taylors Lakes Lions Club ‘Youth of the Year’ award recently.
As a Year 12 student at Keilor Downs Secondary College, Allan was nominated for the award by the school’s assistant principal Paul Bloom.
The Youth of the Year Quest is a project of the Lions Clubs in Australia and Papua New Guinea, to select outstanding youths to be ambassadors for their communities.
“I was surprised to find out I was nominated but I thought it was very good,” Allan said.
As part of the quest, Allan was interviewed by local leaders – including a policeman and reverend – and had to demonstrate general knowledge, citizenship, academic capacity, sporting ability and other interests.
Along with his fellow finalist in the contest, Leticia Searle from the Catholic Regional College, Allan then presented two speeches at a dinner last month, in front of an audience and judges.
Leticia received a public speaking award at the ceremony but Allan was selected as the overall Youth of the Year recipient.
As a result he will advance to the regional level of the Youth of the Year Quest.
“I enjoy public speaking and I’ve done a lot of debating, but I’m not used to performing in front of a large adult audience,” Allan said.
“So far what I have enjoyed most about the competition is meeting a lot of nice people.”
Allan said he hopes to study a Bachelor of Wildlife and Conservation Biology at LaTrobe University when he finishes Year 12.
He has also been a member of Scouts groups since the age of six.

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