Leading teens

Federal Gorton MP Brendan O'Connor with former Overnewton Anglican College student Elizabeth Duong. 98583 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

FOURTEEN young people from Brimbank have been recognised for their dedication and leadership within the community.
Last week, Federal MP Brendan O’Connor held the Gorton Young Leaders’ Awards ceremony at his Caroline Springs office.
At the event, former Year 12 students from seven schools in the electorate were presented with certificates and signed copies of ‘The Best Australian Stories 2012’, featuring personalised bookplates.
“Each and every successful recipient here today has demonstrated an exceptional commitment to active public leadership within their schools and their communities,” Mr O’Connor said.
Among the award recipients was former Overnewton Anglican College student Elizabeth Duong, who was involved in assisting with the college’s after-school care program.
She also established and co-coordinated a maths tutoring program at the school.
Her fellow former Overnewton student and 2012 college captain Edward Buijs also received a Young Leaders’ award.
Students from Victoria University Secondary College in Deer Park, Keilor Downs College, Taylors Lakes Secondary College, Marian College in Sunshine West And Catholic Regional College Sydenham were also recognised at the ceremony.
Helen Duong and Lisa Le from Marian College were recognised for raising more than $8000 for charity.
Helen is now studying Youth Work at Victoria University and Lisa is undertaking a Bachelor of Communication (Public Relations) at RMIT University.
Among the other community-minded teenagers at the event was Keilor Downs College former pupil Johnny Nguyen, who led a number of fund-raisers and volunteered for activities connected to the college’s partnership with Sunshine Hospital during his time at school.
As well, Ivana Zovak from Catholic Regional College received an award after she co-ordinated the school’s Red Cross blood donation drive over the past two years.

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