Pink posse flexes charity muscles

Curves Taylors Lakes, Curves Hillside and AMF Bowling at Watergardens have teamed up to raise funds for breast cancer research. Shown are Joanne Oliveira, John Clemmets and Marilyn Zukalski. 106419 Picture: KRISTIAN SCOTT

MARILYN Zukalski was bowled over with joy last year when a charity event raised $2000 for breast cancer research.
As the owner of Curves in Taylors Lakes, she teams up with her fellow gym buffs at Curves Hillside every year to raise money for the Cancer Council’s annual Pink Ribbon appeal.
This year, the event will be on AMF Bowling at Watergardens on Friday 18 October.
This time around, Ms Zukalski said she and the other organisers hoped to improve on last year’s fundraising total.
“Last year we raised just on $2000, we would love to double that this year,” Ms Zukalski said.
“We would like to invite the local community, mums, dads and their kids and friends, to come along and have some fun.
“For only $35 per person they can play a game of bowls a game of skirmish and finger food will be provided.
“We are also looking for any ladies that are survivors to come and celebrate with us on the night, and lastly we are looking for any donations for raffles on the night.
“Curves Taylors Lakes and Curves Hillside and their staff do this on a volunteer basis every year, our ladies gym is very community friendly.”
Their fundraising event will be on Friday 18 October, at 7pm. Tickets are $35 per person including a game of bowling, a game of Laser Skirmish, finger food, raffles, prizes and more.
The venue will be AMF Bowling, Watergardens Town Centre, 399 Melton Highway, Taylors Lakes. For more information contact Marilyn on 8361 6277 or Joanne on 8361 6699.

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