Refund call in mail

Greens MLC Colleen Hartland with one of the postcards. 77547 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI Greens MLC Colleen Hartland with one of the postcards. 77547 Picture: DAMJAN JANEVSKI

GREENS MLC Colleen Hartland has launched a retro-style postcard in a bid to get Premier Ted Baillieu behind her plan for a 10 cent refund on bottles, cans and cartons in Victoria.  
The postcard features ‘Colleen’ and ‘Ted’ as children who spot a discarded soft-drink can laying on the ground.
“The postcard was inspired by hundreds of people who told me they used to return empty bottles for a refund when they were kids,” Ms Hartland said.
“It’s such a simple idea, but so powerful that the experience changed how they see litter for the rest of their lives.”
“The great thing about a 10 cent refund is that it makes litterers think twice.  In South Australia, drink containers are much less likely to end up as litter, because they have a money value.”
Ms Hartland’s proposed scheme is modelled on one that has operated successfully in South Australia for more than 30 years.
Under the plan, Victorians would be refunded 10 cents for every drink can, bottle or carton handed in to recycling depots.
The Greens have been pushing the model since 2009.
Ms Hartland has called for volunteers to help distribute the cards so the Premier gets the message from across the community.
“The Premier needs to stop wavering and make an announcement on Clean Up Australia Day on 4 March,” she said.
“He should back the Greens plan, or front up to the community and tell them that he has walked away from the stance he always claimed to have.”

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